What would your life be like if you had more income and more free time to spend with your family, or doing the things you love each and every day?
You’re about to learn how you can leverage my marketing efforts, our team training site, and resources to build your own essential oil business.
First you’re going to learn how we can partner in sharing the mission of more health, well-being and abundance.
Then, we will cover how you can leverage my marketing efforts, what you you will get from me, and finally we will look at what is required from you to participate.
How this works:
In order to join this mission, you will need to become an independent distributor for Young Living which happens when you purchase a premium starter kit that includes all of the 11 essential oils described on the previous page.
After completing this purchase, you will receive a unique Member Number that identifies you within their system, and allows you to earn $50 bonuses (to start) and commissions on all products and kits sold with your member number attached.
Instead of just sending out my member number when I sponsor people into Young Living, I am offering to rotate in your member number, if you are interested in partnering.
This means you will receive the $50 enrollment bonuses and the 25% of sales for the first 3 months when new members sign up under your member number (that I will be promoting)… This offer will stand as long as you participate and make the qualifying monthly commitment.
By continuing to meet the monthly requirements to remain qualified (these are explained below), your link and member number will continue to be displayed to new people who are interested in joining us in our mission of sharing the Young Living Essential Oils and wellness products.
Effectively, you will be partnered in business with my husband and I as well as the other members on our team and together we can all earn income sharing the power of essential oils, natural care products and healthy supplements while we enjoy the benefits of these natural products for ourselves.
If this isn’t exactly clear, know that there is a video you can watch at the bottom of this page with a detailed explanation of how the business works… But for now, keep reading as it will all make sense here, soon.
Exactly what will you will get from me when you join?
#1 – Your Young Living link will be displayed to interested visitors of my website (which receives over 300,000 visitors per month), sent out to me email list subscribers (over 30,000 people) and shared with my Facebook followers (over 170,000 fans) to help grow your business.
You will receive exposure to this entire audience and I will send YOUR personal link (through our exclusive team link rotator technology) out with a similar message to this one, selling the starter pack and opportunity, through your link as a bonus for joining in on this mission.
#2 – You will gain access to an exclusive team marketing system that you can use to promote your Young Living business, free! Other Young Living teams charge $14.95 per month for access to a personal site and marketing system. We’re giving this to you at no additional charge so you have a resource you can introduce people to without having to try to “sell” the essential oils or the business. You only need to direct interested people to check out the website, which does the rest for you.
#3 – You will have access to trainings, tips and support to help you build a rewarding and profitable business around sharing essential oils.
Whether you simply want to ‘go along for the ride’ and enjoy the products while earning a little income here-and-there with little effort, or if you want to truly work towards changing your life with your own holistic home based business, we are here to support you.
What is required from you?
#1 – Purchase a premium starter kit ($150 USD + Shipping) as a wholesale member so you can receive and experience the benefits from the Everyday Oils and receive information on how to use the oils along with other product samples. The retail value of this kit is $280.
This purchase enrolls you as a Young Living independent distributor and offers you a unique member number so you can receive commissions when kits sell through your link and you will receive a 24% discount on future orders if you choose.
The importance of starting with the premium starter kit is so you receive an array of different oils and products to use, enjoy, and learn about so you can have positive experiences you can honestly share with people you know.
#2 – Make $100 in purchases (100PV) of Young Living products each month so you qualify to receive commissions on a monthly basis, the first step towards financial and time freedom..
With this qualifying monthly order, you will not only be getting natural and healthy products you can use in your everyday life to maintain a healthy home, mind, body and spirit, at a 24% discount, but with this monthly “essential rewards order” set-up, I will begin promoting your Young Living link for you, as soon as you set up your essential rewards.
There are no additional fees, no contracts, you are able to stop at any time and you have full control over what you order each month to reach the minimum $100 personal volume requirement.
For your monthly purchases, you can choose anything from the entire Young Living product catalog and you can change your order every month, so you can order natural personal items one month (shampoo, conditioner, lotion, toothpaste, etc.) and then natural cleaning items or vitamins and health supplements the next.
#3 – Commit to using Young Living’s essential oils and natural products and sharing your positive experiences!
Just like you might recommend a restaurant you love or a movie you enjoyed with a friend when they ask, sharing your positive experiences with these natural products has a huge ripple effect for all, and can help your business to grow even faster, and I’m committed to helping you do just that!
I will help you understand how to effectively do this, over time… And, I will also be creating a custom website for you to refer people to when the time is right. To get started, all you need to do is to use and enjoy the products.
The catch? I can’t do this for you… I can help you. I can give you the tools and trainings, and even promote your business, but ultimately, you must be willing to commit to doing what it takes too.
Now, this isn’t for everyone, and I know this. If it isn’t for you, no worries.
But, this may very well be the opportunity you have been looking for, if you feel inspired to step into your true abundance.
You see, there are millions of people ready to use and share healthy, natural products, essential oils, and eco-friendly home products with the world.
You and I together can introduce them to these positive alternatives and you are able to generate commissions, bonuses and income in the process.
This is a grass-roots effort where we work one-to-one to share the vision of healthy living and abundance.
All you do is share your positive experiences with the products and invite people to learn about our mission, and then share more information with the people who are interested, while enjoying more natural well-being products for yourself and your family.
I will provide you with trainings, tips and tools that will help you become more efficient at inviting people to learn about our team and mission. When you find teammates who join our cause, they will receive all the same tools, trainings, and support that you receive, too!
The question then becomes, how do you share positive experiences with the essential oils?
Here is one example: You start using the Thieves essential oil blend as an immune booster by rubbing a few drops on your hands and feet at night and after showers.
Then when a co-worker or friend mentions that they feel like they are getting sick, you can just let them know about the new little trick you learned to boost your immune system, naturally.
If you have the oil on you, you can share some with them, right then and there, helping them to have their own positive experience with the oils.
Then, if they’re interested in learning more, you simply direct them towards our online marketing system, and the website will explain how the products and the business work for you and will help them sign up on your team.
That is one specific example, but the whole ‘trick’ to building this business is to use the oils and natural products, and fall in love with their benefits as you improve and heal your life.
Then, you simply share your experiences, and our mission with people, that they can receive health benefits from the oils, products, and from increased abundance…
You will then earn $50 initial bonuses for new wholesale members and ongoing commissions based on the purchases from people you introduce to the products to.
Home Based Business Benefits
Additionally, with your 100 PV monthly order, you not only open yourself up to ongoing commissions, but you become a home based business owner, which is huge because it can open you up to many tax breaks, too.
I’m not an account and you will need to work with an accountant for the specifics. But as a business owner with a good tax person, you are able to ‘write off’ all of your business expenses. There are huge advantages to ‘playing the game’ this way compared to only being an employee.
Tax write-off’s generally include anything that is required for you to build and grow your business. This can include your monthly cell phone bill, your internet bill, your business start-up costs and monthly product costs, business meeting costs, mileage to meetings and any other business items that are required to operate your business, like a new laptop, marketing materials, etc.
Again, I’m not an accountant… And you would need to align with one to help you maximize this side of the benefits, but this alone could possibly help you save thousands of dollars per year that you are already paying in taxes.
This is because your business expenses get written off against the money you are already paying into taxes every paycheck. The big potential here is that you would get more money back at the end of the year depending on how much you spend on your business.
This is your chance to tap into the powerful benefits of running your own business while aligning with more well-being and abundance in your life.
The best part is that you are able to connect with a team of like-minded people working with you, offering you tools, trainings and helping you to continue along this path.
Like starting anything new, building a new business may feel awkward at first but the long term benefits far outweigh the learning curve.
Know that my husband and I are here to help you personally, along with our other teammates, as you embark on this business building journey.
Isn’t now the time to start working towards more health, well-being and abundance in your life?
Join this mission and our team! Click on the button below and choose the Premium Starter Kit as a wholesale member now, so we can help you get started, today.
After you complete your order, send me an email to gain access to the exclusive online marketing system you gain access to after signing up. Also, if you have any questions, you can email me at melanie@ask-angels.com, contact the person who directed you here, or give me a call directly at (530) 213-3515 and my husband and I will do our best to help answer your questions.
Last thing… Just in case you are still wondering how this works and if you would like a bit more clarification, here is a quick video that explains the three steps required to start and grow your Young Living business by one of the great leaders in Young Living, who explains it very clearly in under 5 minutes.
Click Here To Get Started By Ordering Your Premium Starter Kit, Now!
Still need more information? Would you like to see 3 video testimonials about how Young Living has changed the lives of other’s before making your decision? Click here to view the testimonials.